It Could Have Been Me

A Portable Monument in 85 copies, with a numbered and signed print inside, to be hung wherever you want, in public or private spaces, and immedesimate yourself with one of the 85 victims.

The photobook is available at Choisi Bookshop/Artphilein Editions, Lugano CH, CorrainiMAMbo artbookshop, Modo Infoshop in Bologna or at Anzenberger Gallery Bookshop, Vienna.

Open 140 cm x 66, 2 cm /closed 33, 10 cm x 23, 33 cm, 85 copies + 15 ap. graphic design by Sonia Lenzi and Lizart Comunicazione Visiva, Bologna. Each comes with a signed and numbered print.

Showed at the CCCB, in "Fenomen Fotollibre", 2017.


Last Portrait


Family Archaeologies